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Migrating away from Salesforce?

Are you preparing to retire a Salesforce org? It's a critical step that demands meticulous planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some best practices to follow and which can help to save lot of time:

Data Backup from old Salesforce Org

Export and save all your data! Use Salesforce's data export tools to create backups of your records, including accounts, contacts, opportunities, and custom objects. Don't forget attachments and files – you can use tools like Salesforce Files Downloader to simplify the bulk download from Salesforce.

Backup Old Org before Migration to new Salesforce Org

After successful migration, maintain a backup of the retired org for a certain period to ensure data availability if needed.

Remember, a well-planned Salesforce org retirement ensures a seamless transition for your team and helps maintain data integrity. Don't hesitate to seek help from #Salesforce experts or consult Salesforce documentation for specific guidance. Your smooth transition awaits!

Bulk files Download from Salesforce Org

Migrating away from Salesforce can be difficult tools such as Files Downloader allows Salesforce users to download mass of files from Salesforce in clicks. As this tool is 100% native to Salesforce, users can download masses of files, notes and attachments from a particular Salesforce Org either Sandox OR production environment.

After each batch of mass download, Salesforce user will be notified with a summary of each files downloaded in a Zip folder. This allows users to keep a track of each of the downloaded files. Many Salesforce customers globally are using export files from Salesforce tool

Testing and Validation in Salesforce Org

Before migrating data, clean and deduplicate records to ensure data quality in the new org. This will save time and resources later. Rigorously test all processes, customizations, and data in the new org to ensure everything functions as expected.

Security and Permission

Review and recreate security profiles, roles, and permissions in the new org to maintain data security

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